Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Wedding Bliss

This January my amazing friend Stephanie, I call her Bunny, and her beau Jerod got ENGAGED!! 

**photo By: LuannBailey Photography** 
**photo By: LuannBailey Photography**

This news is so exciting...and lets be real, who doesn't love a good wedding???!
As soon as I got the text I couldn't do anything but get a goofy grin on my face and think how wonderful life is!

Next step, I sent Miss Bunny {soon to be Mrs. Bunny} a text proclaiming my excitement for them and that if I could help with anything PLEASE let me know. Have I mentioned how much I LOVE weddings??  (You know the movie The Wedding Planner with J.Lo?  That's me in a nut shell.)

She had mentioned to me that she needed a great seamstress for an affordable price.  
My eye-brows went up and I said 
"ME, ME, ME!! PICK ME!!"
My Gram and I are sewing regularly together, she is teaching me her ways :)
Miss Bunny wants to use her Mom's wedding dress, cut it up and change it to something that fits to more her style.  Because I know the Groom-to-Be doesn't read my blog I have confidence that I can post these photos at the risk of him not seeing them.




1 comment:

  1. Yaaay! You were able to capture the before! This needed to happen. This is so good. Great job, SammiSam!
    Best part of this post: ..."Ms. Bunny {soon to be Mrs. Bunny}..." You are hours away, Soul Friend, yet you make me laugh and put a smile on my face.
